#!/usr/local/bin/perl # # Downloaded from http://blinkenlights.ch/gnupod/dmg2iso.pl # # dmg2iso.pl was written by vu1tur, license ?!? # # Note: This doesn't look like the Version 0.2a provided at # http://vu1tur.eu.org/tools/ . But this version works with Apples iPod-Firmware dmg images.. # ... # # use MIME::Base64; use strict ; local ($^W) = 1; #use warnings ; use Compress::Zlib ; my $x = inflateInit() or die "ERROR: Cannot create inflation stream. Is Compress::zlib installed?\n" ; my $zfblock="\x00"; for (0..8) { $zfblock.=$zfblock; } my $indxbeg=0; my $indxend=0; my @plist; print "dmg2iso v0.2a by vu1tur (vu1tur\@gmx.de)\n\n"; if (@ARGV."" != 2) { die "Syntax: dmg2iso.pl filename.dmg filename.iso\n"; } my $zeroblock = "\x00"; for (0..8) { $zeroblock.=$zeroblock; } my $tmp; my ($output,$status); my $buffer; open(FINPUT,$ARGV[0]) or die "ERROR: Can't open input file\n"; binmode FINPUT; sysseek(FINPUT,-0x200000,2); print "reading property list..."; my $fpos = sysseek(FINPUT,0,1); while(my $ar = sysread(FINPUT,$buffer,0x10000)) { my $fpos = sysseek(FINPUT,0,1)-$ar; if ($buffer =~ /(.*)/s) { $indxbeg = $fpos+length($1); } if ($buffer =~ /(.*)<\/plist>/s) { $indxend = $fpos+length($1)+8; } } open(FOUTPUT,">".$ARGV[1]) or die "ERROR: Can't open output file\n"; binmode FOUTPUT; my $indxcur = $indxbeg + 0x28; sysseek(FINPUT,$indxbeg,0); sysread(FINPUT,$tmp,$indxend-$indxbeg); if ($tmp =~ s/.*blkx<\/key>.*?\s*(.*?)<\/array>.*/$1/s) { while ($tmp =~ s/.*?(.*?)<\/data>//s) { my $t = $1; $t =~ s/\t//g; $t =~ s/^\n//g; push @plist,decode_base64($t); } } else { die "PropertyList is corrupted\n"; } print "found ".@plist." partitions\n"; print "decompressing:\n"; my $t=0; my $zoffs = 0; my $tempzoffs = 0; foreach (@plist) { print "partition ".$t++."\n"; s/^.{204}//s; while (s/^(.{8})(.{8})(.{8})(.{8})(.{8})//s) { $x = inflateInit(); my $block_type = unpack("H*",$1); my $out_offs = 0x200*hex(unpack("H*",$2)); my $out_size = 0x200*hex(unpack("H*",$3)); my $in_offs = hex(unpack("H*",$4)); my $in_size = hex(unpack("H*",$5)); # $1 - block type, $2 - output offs $3 - output size $4 input offset $5 - input size sysseek(FINPUT,$in_offs+$zoffs,0); sysread(FINPUT,$tmp,$in_size); if ($block_type =~ /^80000005/) { ($output,$status) = $x->inflate($tmp); if ($status == Z_OK or $status == Z_STREAM_END) { syswrite(FOUTPUT,$output,$out_size); } else { die "\nConversion failed. File may be corrupted.\n"; } } if ($block_type =~ /^00000001/) { sysseek(FINPUT,$in_offs+$zoffs,0); sysread(FINPUT,$tmp,$in_size); syswrite(FOUTPUT,$tmp,$out_size); } if ($block_type =~ /^00000002/) { for(1..$out_size/0x200) { syswrite(FOUTPUT,$zeroblock,0x200); } } if ($block_type =~ /^FFFFFFFF/i) { $zoffs += $tempzoffs; } $tempzoffs = $in_offs+$in_size; } } print "\nconversion successful\n";